Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Some days are harder than others….even when you do everything right. You eat right, exercise, sleep enough, drink enough water, blah blah blah.
But it’s hard.
You look in the mirror and it mocks you. You don’t see the healthy person you are becoming.
Least that’s what happened to me this morning.
Some days are just hard.
I woke up feeling blah and looked in the mirror and just felt ugly and fat. It happens.
I just try to grin and bear it. The feeling passes.
But it’s still hard.

When you live so long feeling one way and then try to change how you feel about yourself it doesn’t always happen all the time.
I still love me. I still take care of me.
There are just those oh so not feeling it moments.
Today was one of those moments….
Even with eating all the right things and walking/jogging over five miles, I wasn’t feeling good about myself at all. It’s understandable to be frustrated but I keep telling myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Sometimes I wish it was so I could just go “HA!” but it wasn’t. It takes hard work and time.

But it’s hard.

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