Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am often asked what motivates me. What gives me that drive to want to do it?

The mirror.

Thank about it, if you don’t like what you see, you can change it, only you. If you don’t like the way you look, do something about it. Eating more chips or cookies isn’t going to improve your reflection.

Study yourself hard, have a conversation with yourself and tell yourself that the only person in control is the one staring back.

It can be a very difficult conversation. You may have to have it many times.
But have it as often as it takes.

I have stood in front of the mirror thinking, “Oh God, I don’t like what I see” and then just walked away and grabbed a bag of chips and sat on the couch and watched mindless television. It was kind of like a pity party for one.


One day I was coming down the stairs and stopped when I could see most of my body in the mirror and decided it was finally time to take care of myself. If I truly loved me, I would prove it.

Now the mirror has a different kind of motivation.

Well, the same reflection but somehow it is different. I am starting to see results; flatter stomach, thinner thighs, and slimmer face. The motivation is now turning into wanting to see more results. The reward of the effort is the change in the mirror.

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